Mike is a Life Coach and a Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor with a passion for helping parents save a loved one from addiction. His knowledge base comes from a successful career of helping addicts and alcoholics in residential treatment centers since 1988. Mike provides private Family Coaching Sessions to translate his expertise into practical steps for parents to take so they can help their addicted child in the most effective way.
Mike is the founder of PAL, Parents of Addicted Loved-ones, a support group of parents helping parents. Groups meet every week to offer education and support, at no charge, for parents trying to save a son or daughter from addiction. Mike started the first meeting in Phoenix in 2006 and turned it over to parents in 2014. PAL is in 34 other states now and growing. History of PAL and Mikes Book 10-11-18 and here is a 5 Minute Video about PAL.
Mike is the author of The Four Seasons of Recovery for Parents of Alcoholics and Addicts. His book has been called a “Handbook on recovery from addiction.” It is designed to guide parents through the predictable (but not commonly known) stages that addicts and alcoholics go through to achieve a successful life-long recovery. In his book, Mike tells in brief, his personal story of going from being a hopeless alcoholic, to helping other hopeless alcoholics and addicts in treatment centers; then to helping hopeless parents of alcoholics and addicts.
Mike also has another area of expertise from his work in treatment centers. In 1991, He developed the first Anger Management/Conflict Resolution Training Program for the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center in Phoenix. Mike has also written an Anger Education workbook now available for the general public entitled: “The Healthy Expressions of Anger“.